(1-1/2 hour) Session
$315 value!
Judie Keys, CCH
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
New Life and Business Coach
specialize in ...
empowering gals and guys ...
to heal from the Panic, PTSD and Depression ...
in their lives.
went from being blind to sighted without drugs or surgery!
I sought help from Judie Keys, CCH, about eleven months
ago when I was diagnosed as legally blind with macular degeneration.
My vision had dropped down from normal to 20/400 over the previous
several months. I was in shock and devastated.
Do you feel:
● Panicked
● Disrespected
● Unsuccessful
● Guilty ● Shame
● Fearful
● Angry ● Sad
● Worthless
● Depressed
● Stressed
● Limited
Do you ...
relive painful memories?
have nightmares?
feel detached?
have little or no interest in activities?
feel helpless?
have trouble sleeping?
feel irritable?
have outbursts of anger?
have difficulty concentrating?
find yourself being overly alert?
startle easily?
feel intense fear?
persistent feelings of anxiety?
difficulty completing tasks?
have flashbacks of a
terrifying event?
avoid situations that trigger upsetting recollections?
If you experience any of
the above responses, you may have PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder),
panic and/or depression.
Whatever the cause, it can be healed.
contact Judie Keys, CCH direct now to schedule your
(619) 961-7555.
She can help you!
Phone and Skype Sessions Available!
Download your copy of
Clues to Recognize Abuse"
by clicking on the title.
Would you like to feel:
● Powerful?
● Motivated?
● Energetic?
I can give you the
"Keys" to get back your life!

Over 29 Years Experience and
17 Certifications
OLD Address
4295 Gesner
St., Suite 3C
San Diego, CA 92117-6663 USA